
Nautical API
Powered by DTN


DTN Nautical API delivers high-quality marine weather forecast and hindcast data.

Data sources used for the Nautical API

The data source for the Nautical API is DTN Nautical MeteoBase (NMB) that combines the largest intake of available weather models, interpreted and enriched by DTN in-house meteorologists. This is also the source of data used in SPOS.

Value proposition of the Nautical API

The value proposition of the Nautical API is as listed in the following table, which emphasizes where DTN adds value to core data.

Parameter Value added
Accuracy Accuracy NMB enhances the strong points of input models and reduces the weak points. As a result, it outperforms input models.
Reliability Model mixing.
Skill Model mixing.
Uncertainty Uncertainty Using ensemble data.
Spatial resolution Spatial resolution High-resolution wave forecasts, fine mesh grids.
Uniqueness Derived parameters, risk wind speed. Consistent with SPOS.

Practical use examples of the Nautical API

The Nautical API can be used in the following domains as listed in the following table.

Domain Practical use examples
  • Monitoring voyages.
  • Planning routes.
  • Identifying adverse weather along routes.
  • Offshore
  • Identifying adverse weather near platforms.
  • Identifying operational windows.

  • Using credentials

    When you have your client credentials, request an access token from the authorization server as follows:

    POST /accounts/identity/connect/token HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Basic {ClientSecret}
    Content-Type: String
    cache-control: no-cache
    grant_type=password&username={Username}&password={password}&scope=web default rights claims openid

    Use Case: Request marine weather parameters by location

    You can request marine weather parameters for one or more location and timestamp combinations. When setting the timestamp value in the request body, make sure that the value falls within the range from one year in the past up until nine days in the future.

    Table 5-22 lists the required API endpoint, body examples, and the HTTP method used.

    API endpoint
    Body example
     "items": [
        "locatedAt": [73.4, -62.1],
        "locatedAt": [52, -48],
    Method POST

    Request parameters

    To request marine weather parameters for a location, supply the following items in the body of your API call.

    Note: When you provide a location for anywhere on land, the API does not return any weather parameters for this location.

    Parameter Description Data type
    locatedAt This required parameter sets the location (defined as a latitude and a longitude) for which the marine weather data is requested. Array, required
    validAt This sets the date for which the marine weather data is requested in the standard ISO 08601 notation. String, required

    Sample response

    The following is a sample response.

    All parameters provided in the response are valid for a single location (as specified with locatedAt) and a specific time (as specified with validAt). Because the timestamp is in the past, this is a hindcast.

        "items": [
                "locatedAt": [
                "validAt": "2018-05-02T00:00Z",
                "source": "hindcast",
                "airPressureInHectoPascal": 1009.09,
                "windSpeedInKnots": 20,
                "windDirectionInDegrees": 160,
                "seaHeightInMeters": 1.43,
                "seaPeriodInSeconds": 5,
                "swellDirectionInDegrees": 240,
                "swellHeightInMeters": 1.6,
                "swellPeriodInSeconds": 9,
                "visibilityCode": 0,
                "visibility": "Good",
                "weatherCode": 1,
                "weather": "Partly cloudy",
                "precipitationProbabilityInPercent": 1,
                "heightOf500HectoPascalLevelInMeters": 5380,
                "seaTemperatureInCelsius": 6,
                "airTemperatureInCelsius": 3,
                "windSpeedAt50MetersInKnots": 22,
                "windDirectionAt50MetersInDegrees": 160,
                "icingClass": 0,
                "icing": "None",
                "riskWindSpeedInKnots": 21,
                "windGustInKnots": 25,
                "windGustAt50MetersInKnots": 28,
                "totalWaveHeightInMeters": 2.2,
                "totalWaveDirectionInDegrees": 240,
                "riskWaveHeightInMeters": 2.4,
                "seaCurrentSpeedInKnots": 0.41,
                "seaCurrentDirectionInDegrees": 200

    Response definitions

    The table below describes each item in the response.

    Response item Description Data type
    locatedAt The requested location in GEOJSON (Longitude, Latitude). Float
    validAt The requested date and time. String
    source Description of the source type: forecast or hindcast. String
    windSpeedInKnots The speed of the wind at 10 meters above sea level (in knots), averaged over 10 minutes. Integer
    windDirectionInDegrees The direction from which the wind is blowing at 10 meters above sea level (in degrees). Integer
    riskWindSpeedInKnots Wind speed with a 10% exceedance probability (at 10 meters above sea level, in knots). Integer
    windGustInKnots The highest speed of the wind at 10 meters above sea level during the given hour, averaged over 3 seconds (in knots). Integer
    windSpeedAt50MetersInKnots Equivalent of windSpeedInKnots, but at 50 meters above sea level. Integer
    windDirectionAt50MetersInDegrees Equivalent of windDirectionInDegrees, but at 50 meters above sea level. Integer
    windGustAt50MetersInKnots Equivalent of windGustInKnots, but at 50 meters above sea level. Integer
    seaHeightInMeters The significant height of the wind waves (in meters). Integer
    seaPeriodInSeconds The mean period of the wind waves (in seconds). Integer
    swellDirectionInDegrees The mean direction from which swell waves are coming (in degrees). Integer
    swellHeightInMeters The significant height of swell waves (in meters). Integer
    swellPeriodInSeconds The mean period of swell waves (in seconds). Integer
    totalWaveDirectionInDegrees The mean direction from which all waves are coming (in degrees). Integer
    totalWaveHeightInMeters The total significant wave height, i.e. of all waves (in meters). Integer
    riskWaveHeightInMeters The total significant wave height with a 10% exceedance probability (in meters). Float
    seaCurrentSpeedInKnots The mean speed with which water is moving at sea surface level (in knots). Float
    seaCurrentDirectionInDegrees The mean direction into which water is moving at sea surface level (in degrees). Integer
    seaTemperatureInCelsius The water temperature at sea or lake surface (in degrees Celsius). Integer
    airTemperatureInCelsius The air temperature at 2 meters height above surface level (in degrees Celsius). Integer
    airPressureInHectoPascal The air pressure reduced to mean sea level (in hectoPascal). Integer
    heightOf500HectoPascalLevelInMeters The height of the 500 hPa pressure level (in geopotential meters). Integer
    precipitationProbabilityInPercent The likelihood that precipitation will occur during the given hour (percentage). Integer

    Index of severity of visibility loss for a ship in this area. Possible values are:

  • Good.
  • Moderate/Good.
  • Moderate.
  • Poor/Moderate.
  • Poor
  • Integer
    visibility The textual description of the visibility code. Text

    Index of the weather type in the area. Possible values are:

  • Clear.
  • Partly cloudy.
  • Cloudy.
  • Fog.
  • Drizzle.
  • Rain.
  • Freezing rain.
  • Snow.
  • Rain
  • Integer
    weather The textual description of the weather code. Text
    icingClass Index of the severity of the growth of ice on a ship in this area. Integer
    icing The textual description of the Icing class. Text